Are you missing out on potential brand building opportunities with your community swag? Check out this week’s Swag in the Wild for two companies that are rocking their brand values with swag that embraces the culture while making it fun at the same time.
What does it take to elevate your onboarding and giveaway swag? Find out in this week’s Swag in the Wild, ft. ShapeShift and Policy Genius. We dig into the critical role of swag in building brand awareness. Because no matter how you use swag, understanding the people you’re giving it to comes first!
Good swag embraces the spirit of your brand. See how RapTV and HPL Training succeed at creating and using swag to support the unique culture of their communities. And when you think about it like that, it becomes obvious why bad swag fails. Quality is a must 💪🏼
Join us for a look at how the teams at Sana Benefits and Curion incorporate swag into their company culture. Spoiler: a warm welcome sets the tone, but don’t drop the ball afterwards. Culture is built every day 🙌🏻
Join us for a peek at how the teams at Localised and Bread show company spirit with high quality swag. No matter where you work in the world, swag is a bond you share with the rest of the team. Read on for the deets! 🚀
See how Molis Coaching and Modsi Agency score big wins when it comes to engaging the members of their community — and get inspired for your next swag project! This week’s Swag in the Wild dives into membership and giveaway swag. Read on to learn more 🚀
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