Frequently Asked Questions

Don't worry, you're not alone! Here are some of the top questions we get asked all of the time.

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Just your beautiful self. (Launch even faster with your company logo and brand guide on hand.) Register for the SwagUp Dashboard then start selecting items you want to see mockups for! Sign up here.

We recommend submitting all shipping information at least 10 days prior to the shipment date. This will ensure there are no issues (especially with international shipments). If shipping information is sent on the day of shipment, your order will risk being delayed.

Yes of course! We offer a free sample pack that you can request here. If you wish to see samples of specific products you are interested in, we will only charge you our wholesale cost + shipping for those samples.

Yes, you can get pre-production samples. We highly recommend them for rebrands or any new logos you haven’t printed previously. Note: pre-production samples are free for orders over $10k.

Send them over! We charge a packing fee for 3rd party items. Prior to shipping, please fill out this form here. This will ensure our team is ready for the shipment, provide you with shipping labels, and update your dashboard with the items. For detailed on pricing information for 3rd party items visit

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