Enhancing Client Merchandise Experience for Ximer with SwagUp

Discover how we helped Ximer elevate their client engagement through customized, high-quality merchandise kits using SwagUp, leading to improved brand consistency and operational efficiency.

In this article


Ximer, a rapidly growing tech company, aimed to improve their client engagement by elevating their merchandise experience. Recognizing the potential impact of high-quality, memorable swag on client relationships, Ximer partnered with us to redesign and manage their merchandise offerings.


Ximer faced several challenges in their existing merchandise approach:

  • Inconsistent Brand Representation: The merchandise varied in quality and often did not align with Ximer’s brand image, which could potentially dilute their brand identity.
  • Logistical Issues: Managing inventory and distribution of merchandise was becoming increasingly cumbersome and inefficient.
  • Lack of Personalization: The existing merch lacked a personal touch, making it less impactful and memorable for the recipients.


To address these challenges, we introduced SwagUp, a comprehensive platform tailored for creating, managing, and distributing branded swag. Our solution involved three key components:

Branded Merchandise Kits

We designed custom swag kits that included high-quality items such as branded apparel, tech gadgets, and eco-friendly accessories. Each item was chosen to reflect Ximer’s innovative and sustainable brand values.

Streamlined Distribution

SwagUp’s platform enabled us to automate the storage, assembly, and shipping of merchandise kits directly to clients. This removed the logistical burden from Ximer, allowing them to focus on their core operations.

Customization and Scalability

We leveraged SwagUp’s customization options to personalize merchandise for specific events, launches, and client preferences, enhancing the personal connection between Ximer and its clients.


The implementation process involved several stages:

  • Consultation and Design: We worked closely with Ximer’s marketing team to understand their brand and client demographics, leading to the creation of tailored merchandise concepts.
  • Prototype and Approval: Sample kits were produced and reviewed by Ximer for feedback. Adjustments were made to ensure the final products were perfectly aligned with brand expectations.
  • Integration and Launch: SwagUp’s platform was integrated with Ximer’s CRM to automate the distribution process. A pilot launch was executed to gauge client reactions and gather initial feedback.


The partnership with SwagUp transformed Ximer’s client merch experience with remarkable results:

  • Increased Client Engagement: Clients expressed greater appreciation and satisfaction with the new swag, reflected in increased social media mentions and client retention rates.
  • Brand Cohesion: The consistent quality and branding across all merchandise strengthened Ximer’s brand identity in the marketplace.
  • Operational Efficiency: Automating the merchandising process saved Ximer significant time and resources, reducing overhead costs by 30%.


"Partnering with SwagUp not only enhanced our merchandise quality but also streamlined our entire distribution process. The personalized kits have been a hit with our clients, truly embodying what our brand stands for. This has been a game-changer for our client relations strategy." — Marketing Director, Ximer


Our collaboration with SwagUp provided Ximer with an innovative solution to revamp their client merchandise experience. By focusing on quality, personalization, and efficiency, we helped Ximer not only meet but exceed their engagement and branding goals. This case study demonstrates the powerful role that thoughtful, well-executed merchandise can play in enhancing client relationships and reinforcing brand identity.

Ready to use the Swag?

Our easy-to-use dashboard enables you to quickly customize, manage, ship, and re-order swag.