Frequently Asked Questions

Don't worry, you're not alone! Here are some of the top questions we get asked all of the time.

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We are only able to process orders of 50 packs or more. Less than minimum orders are accepted on a case-by-case basis.

Our Swag Agents and design team find new ideas and create mockups for each project to get ideas flowing. You can provide your logo or if you need help with designs, or need some ideas, we are here to help!

At this moment, we cannot guarantee turnaround times due to COVID-19 and the stress being placed on the supply chains. We estimate new orders will be ready to ship within 4 weeks. Thank you for your patience!

Our Swag Agents handle all of the ordering for you, and assemble your packs in-house. Once your packs are ready to be sent out, we will update you with tracking information.


Our Swag Agents will measure boxes for each order to be sure your items fit perfectly. We will suggest alternative shipping methods for larger items, if needed.

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You can post your question. Our Swag Agent will answer your question

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