Mission Log: Mock Up Approvals, Employee Type Filter and Personalized Redeem Emails
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What’s New At SwagUp?
Swagup continues to add new features to create, automate and distribute. This month we're focusing on making your dashboard your place for all things swag by revamping the mock up approval flow, adding more filters to your HR integrations and personalized emails for redeem pages.
Keep up with the latest product updates from SwagUp this November.
Mock Up Approvals
HR Integration Employee Type Filter
Personalized Email Message with Ever Swag Shipment
Mock Up Approvals
The mock up approval process is getting a fresh look. You can view your mockups directly in the Products tab of your dashboard. For products that are still awaiting approval, a clear status bar displays the progress of each item, making it easy to track their status. Each product follows a consistent workflow: Mockup Design, Mockup Review, Proof Design, Proof Review, and Ready to Order. This streamlined approach provides clarity on each stage of the process and highlights what’s next, ensuring a smoother experience for you!
HR Integration Employee Type Filter
We’re excited to enhance our HR Integrations with even more functionality! You asked, and we listened. HR professionals can now easily filter by employee type on their HR platform, simplifying the process of selecting the right recipients for swag. As you set up your automation, you’ll be prompted to choose which employee type you’d like to target, and our system will seamlessly pull in existing employee categories from your HR system. Enjoy a smoother, more efficient experience!
Personalized Email Message With Every Swag Shipment
You can now easily send personalized emails directly from the redeem page. There is no longer a need to leave the dashboard or copy and paste emails into your email platform to send out redeem links. Once your redeem page is created, simply add contacts individually or in bulk as a CSV upload. Choose if you’d like those to be a standard url or unique url and send a redeem link to those contacts using a generic message or one that you customize.
You even have the option to resend the email to recipients individually or in bulk and to customize a new message at that time. Redeeming swag has never been easier.
Not familiar with Redeem Pages? Learn more here.
Did you miss our last mission log? Check out October's Mission Log!